Hello, I’micon



Developer | Based in Mangaluru, India

2.3k+Total Contribution

My specialties

As a backend developer, I specialize in creating robust and scalable server-side applications, ensuring seamless data flow and integration with front-end systems. As a full stack developer, I bring together the best of both worlds, handling both client-side and server-side development to deliver comprehensive and efficient solutions.

1+Years of
Hello I’m

Akkil M G, Developer

Based in Mangaluru, India

Aspiring software engineer with experience in backend development, app development, and open-source contributions, currently pursuing a Bachelor of Engineering in Information Science & Engineering. Passionate about problem-solving and promoting technology through community (SOSC) initiatives and events.

  • 03

    Hackathon won

  • 2.3k+

    Total contributions

  • 313

    Github Stars